Wednesday, 24 November 2010

First Shirt

Well I have finished my first man's shirt.  Never even tried doing one before.  It's not as perfect as a shop bought one as I was still finding my feet with it but it looks ok, I am quite pleased with the result and think the nice buttons make it look better.  I folded it up nice and wrapped it in some cello then Xmas wrap.

I have got quite a bit done on the second one, got the sleeves in and the cuffs on, just button band and collar really to do on that one.   Still haven't started cutting out the other two yet, need to buy some more interfacing when I go up town.


  1. OOh, looks great. I wish I was clever enought to do clothes - I can barely sew a straight line.

  2. It's not too bad if you can use a sewing pattern Julie. Hardest bit of it was doing the collar band.

  3. These are amazing,look shop bought :)
